AI Generated Clerihews

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Our Clerihews

Sir Christopher Wren
Sir Christopher Wren
Said, "I am going to dine with some men.
If anyone calls
Say I am designing St. Paul's."

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Found science quite divine
But his hair, it must be said
Seemed to live in another spacetime instead.

Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton under the apple tree
Suddenly shouted out, "Eureka, I see!"
Gravity was his claim to fame
And now all students curse his name.

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare with his quill,
Wrote his sonnets with a thrill.
But if alive today, he'd be in shock,
To find his plays are now classic rock.

Galileo, up so late
Made the church quite irate
His telescope caused quite a stir,
"Earth's not the center," he did aver.

Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, quite the sage,
Brought us into the electric age.
Though Edison gets more acclaim,
It's Tesla who should be in the fame.

Jane Austen
Jane Austen with her pen,
Brought to life the follies of men.
Her novels, a mirror to society,
Show love, wit, and impropriety.

Jimmy Fallon
Late-night king, Jimmy Fallon,
On his show, he's always gallant.
With his jokes, so light and fun,
He makes sure the night's never done.

Charles Darwin
Evolution's star, Charles Darwin,
His theories, no one's discarding.
From finches, he drew a line,
"Survival of the fittest," his sign.

Dick Smith
Adventurous spirit, Dick Smith,
Never one to sit or be miffed.
From electronics to aviation,
He's a symbol of Aussie innovation.

Marie Curie
Radiant mind, Marie Curie,
Her discoveries, no mystery.
With radium and polonium,
She lit up the scientific podium.

Melodious voice, Loreen,
On Eurovision, she was seen.
With "Euphoria" she took the crown,
Her music, never letting us down.